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Welcome to

Transform your Life with the Power of Inner Alchemy!

Hi Loves,

My name is Gemma and I am so excited you are here! .  

I am so passionate about helping other women to change their lives like i have and find balance and inner calm. (most of the time anyway) 

I am an Aligned Lifestyle Coach specialising in Assisting Women to Transform their Relationship with Alcohol, Energy Healing and Yin Yoga. Incorporating Mindfulness, meditation, Crystal Power, Lunar Living and much more into my work with my Beautiful Clients. 

How did i get into Coaching women around Alcohol?

I would never had labelled myself as an Alcoholic because i believe many people who have a toxic relationship with Alcohol don't actually fall into the "Alcoholic' bracket.  I was a heavy drinker for years though, and now I help other women turn their lives around like I have and become empowered by their own decision to not drink alcohol.

Back when I was drinking every day, I was ashamed and felt alone. It felt like I was the only women and mum in the world that couldn't control my drinking. I would wish I could be like all the other mums who seemed to have their shit together and were able to drink 'normally'. Persuaded by society that I was the problem and should be able to control myself, I spent many miserable years stuck in drinking hell, stopping for months here and there but always going back to the same level of drinking as before.

2019 saw me hit my own personal rock bottom, riddled with anxiety and self-hate.


How can I help you?

I can help you make the shift from feeling burnt out, overwhelmed and over it, to empowered, balanced and in full control with a simple but effective Lifestyle Audit!


Whether you want to bring some amazing stuff into your life or get rid of some things that no longer serve you,

we can do it together!


If its your drinking habits you want to shift then Willpower alone will only get you so far. Changing your drinking habits takes some mind work. Instead of thinking that you can't have a drink, wouldn't it be great to not want one in the first place?

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

What my clients are saying

Explore the real stories and testimonials below from clients who've transformed their lives with me. Each one shares a journey of empowerment and change, offering inspiration and hope. Let their experiences motivate your own path to a brighter, alcohol-free future.

Since doing one of Gemma's masterclasses my drinking has totally changed and I am only having a drink very occasionally now instead of every night. It's weird, I don't even think about it anymore.
Thank you Sober Gem. 


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